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From Biltcliffe




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List First Name: Martha


Martha BENTLIFFE (1854 - 1882)
Martha BILCLIFF (1786 - 1795)
Martha BILCLIFFE (1834 - 1851)
Martha BILLCLIFF (1734 - 1791)
Martha BILLCLIFF (Born 1766)
Martha BILLCLIFF (Born 1782)
Martha BILLCLIFF (Born 1791)
Martha BILLCLIFF (Born 1816)
Martha BILLCLIFF (1823 - 1881)
Martha BILLCLIFF (1860 - 1881)
Martha BILLCLIFFE (Born 1821)
Martha BILLCLIFFE (1832 - 1851)
Martha BILLCLIFFE (1851 - 1871)
Martha BILLCLIFFE (1873 - 1891)
Martha BILTCLIFF (1805 - 1835)
Martha BILTCLIFF (1832 - 1832)
Martha BILTCLIFFE (Born 1788)
Martha BILTCLIFFE (1820 - 1841)


Martha BILTCLIFFE (1843 - 1901)
Martha BILTCLIFFE (1859 - 1871)
Martha BILTCLIFFE (1886 - 1911)
Martha BINCLIFFE (Born 1749)
Martha BINTCLIFFE (1898 - 1911)
Martha BINTLIFF (1794 - 1794)
Martha BLETCHER (1800 - 1826)
Martha CHAMBERS (1827 - 1910)
Martha CROSSLAND (1819 - 1851)
Martha GREENWOOD (1881 - 1913)
Martha LITTLEWOOD (1781 - 1797)
Martha MOSLEY (1862 - 1911)
Martha ROWLEY (1776 - 1791)
Martha SMITHIERS (1760 - 1797)
Martha STIRRETT (1788 - 1815)
Martha WEBSTER (1814 - 1889)
Martha WOOD


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Please Note:
The dates given as part of the listings on this page do not include people who are still alive.



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